My ex doesn’t want to mediate Bristol
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My Ex Doesn’t Want to Mediate Bristol
Getting out of a relationship can be the most liberating yet heart-breaking decision that couples may have ever done for themselves. Even if the concept of divorce or separation has been widely known today, there are still some instances that marriages ended up in heated splits and conflicts.
In the first place, no one wanted nor has anticipated the dissolution of their marriage – and it is really painful but what happens when my ex doesn’t want to mediate. Everyone knows that pain, but it really is a reality that one should accept. However, another hardest part that you can experience is when your ex does not want to go through the mediation process to resolve the said issue.
For some, when one party doesn’t want the easiest way to solve the problems, then things should be done the hard way. Bringing your disputes to the court might sound so easy, but the question is: is it really the better solution for your problem that you are facing now?
My ex doesn’t want to mediate is it Compulsory
Pushing for court proceedings might be the most viable option for you to settle your disputes. That means you, including your ex, still needs to go for the process of mediation. What if your ex doesn’t want to mediation? If you are living in the UK, it is not essential if one doesn’t want to do it because every party is obliged to do so. The UK government have required couples in divorce cases to consider mediation first.
This requirement had been implemented since April 2014. This means that you can go straight to the court when it happens that your ex doesn’t want mediation. Because there is a compulsory mediation, couples are expected to present a proof of mediation to the jury before they are given with the time for court proceedings. Both parties are now obliged to attend the MIAM or the Mediation Information Assessment Meeting rather than taking things straight to court.
During these meetings, the mediator Bristol will explain:
- The purpose of having mediation
- The options that you have
- The benefits that you will get from mediation
- The appropriate type of mediation suitable for you
To find out more on what mediation is in click here!
So, why should you go for mediation Bristol? Here are the following benefits:
- Mediation is handled in private. This means that only the mediator and you, the divorcing partners will be involved in the said meeting.
- It is a process where both of the involved parties will be able to raise their settlement requirements and bargain to each other.
- It is low cost and will lead to better settlement of disputes.
- This process helps the couple to leave or end their binding relationship with fair share. In choosing this process, you qualify for Legal Aid that covers the entire cost of separation, mediation as well as the payment for the mediators or your lawyers.
Divorce can still be an intriguing reality of this modern time. It may mean a total dissolution of marriage or civil partnerships. But it had been one of the realities that everyone must accept and understand. No one wants to bring back the pain, so one help to resolve these issues with your ex is going for a mediation process. This will be the best for both of you.